

So , I have come to the end , I want to thanked my lecturer , MADAM HUDA BINTI HAMIDON . Besides that , here are tips and suggestion for you all to choose which of them are suitable for you to apply . Then , I also want to thank you to all my friends who helped me finished study skills . See you again guys !  Bye .


WHAT IS PLAGIARISM ? Plagiarism is an act of plagiarizing other people's ideas or works using the work of others without mentioning the source so as to cause false or erroneous assumptions about the original of an idea or work .  TYPE OF PLAGIARISM Direct copying of any word or material derived from another derivative material without acknowledging the source of the material . Modifying the words or works of others without proper recognition . Take whole or part of another person's work and certify that the work is their own .   WHY THERE ARE PLAGIARISM AMONG STUDENTS ?   πŸ’£ Less skilled in ideas   πŸ’£ Don't have enough time to completing their assigments   πŸ’£ Lack of resources in completing their assigments   πŸ’£ Lack of awareness of plagiarism HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISM ?    πŸ‘€ If you found information that is perfect for your research paper , read it and out into your own word . Make sure do not copy more than two word in row from the te


NOTE - TAKING STRATEGIES From this activity, if I get a low score I need some help in note-taking and if I get a high score I already using many good note-taking strategies. Since I've got only 4 points, so I still need some help in note-taking . WHY WE MUST TAKE LECTURE NOTES ? πŸ‘€ helps you to organize the information . πŸ‘€ provides additional repetition  πŸ‘€ promotes active listening by helping you concentrate on the lecture HOW TO TAKE LECTURES NOTES ? ➽ prepare before taking class  ➽ become an active listener STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING LISTENING SKILLS EFFECTIVE NOTE - TAKING SYSTEM πŸ’€ Cornell Note - Taking System    πŸ’¨ cornell method involves dividing a sheet of paper into three parts : a left column for main ideas and keywords , a right column for lengthier details , and a section in the bottom for writing a summary after the lecture or lesson .  πŸ’€ The Informal Outline    πŸ’¨ useful for showing major points and supporting idea


WHAT IS MEMORY ?  Memory is ability to remember past experiences and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts , skills , habits and experiences . TYPES OF MEMORY  MEMORY STRATEGIES  Why it is important ? πŸ‘€ Memory strategies will help students in their encoding , storing , and retrieving the information . It also helps students to remember and recall what have they learn . UNDERSTANDING CONCENTRATION *Example Of Concentration Strategies Level    STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING CONCENTRATION πŸ’¦ use motivational and organizational strategies - create interest in the work , develop a positive attitude toward your work , use goal - setting strategies , use time - management strategies . πŸ’¦ create a positive learning environment - find a better location , reduce multitasking , minimize distractions . πŸ’¦ deal with internal distractions - deal with personal problems and competing activities . πŸ’¦ use active learning strategies  πŸ’¦ ma


  UiTM MACHANG , KELANTAN  πŸ’€  According to Wikipedia ,  The UiTM Machang campus  is one of the branches  of MARA University of Technology  located in the state of  Kelantan Darul Naim.   It was established in  July  1985  as the ninth UiTM branch campus in a temporary location near  KotaBharu.   Today, the UiTM campus of the Kelantan branch is located at its permanent location in  Machang  after moving in  January 1996. Location : UITM CAWANGAN KELANTAN, KAMPUS MACHANG BUKIT ILMU,18500 MACHANG,KELANTAN . PROGRAM OFFERED THERE ARE 5 FACULTY LOCATED UNDER THIS CAMPUS Faculty Of Computer Science And Mathematics Faculty Of Business Management Faculty Of Management And Business Faculty Of Accounting Faculty Of Art And Design  LIBRARY : THE MAIN ACADEMIC RESOURCES PERPUSTAKAAN TENGKU ANIS UiTM KELANTAN UiTM Library Campus Machang , Kelantan was established in 1985 at Kijang Campus and has moved to Bukit Ilmu'


         WHAT IS TIME ? Based on -"Time is money" is a much easier way to explain the concept of opportunity cost because time is money! It means time is a valuable resource (because our time in this world is finite), so it's better to do things as quickly as possible. Alternatively, spend time and effort on things that get the results we are looking for. The phrase is usually credited to Benjamin Franklin, who used it in an essay ( Advice to a Young Tradesman , 1748). The actual phrase was recorded in 1719 in the magazine  The Free-Thinker .  STEP TO SCHEDULE YOUR STUDY Create an assignment calendar Prepare running list Use daily To-do' List           -Use your daytime study hours           -Use time between classes HOW TO MANAGE MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENTS Make a plan Set priorities Monitor Progress    FIXED - COMITMENT CALENDAR       DESIGNATING PRIORITIES    JOB TASK ANALYSIS


      WHAT IS GOAL ?   According to       ( An observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed time frame goals are the end towards which your direct our effort or what you want to achieve goals are important in varsity life to help you motivate in doing works . USING A SMART PLAN After establishing your goals, you have to create a plan to make those goals happen .Think of the plan as creating a series of objectives that will ultimately allow you to accomplish the goal.   LONG-TERM AND SHORT-TERM GOALS πŸ’’Long-term goals   are the objective of the goals that you set the end of the year for yourself for four or five years from now, or even for a lifetime. πŸ’’Short-term goals   we can set for an hour from now, end of day or semester. ACADEMICS AND PERSONAL GOALS πŸ’’ACADEMIC GOALS IS  something that relat ed to our works. Such as for